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10 simple upgrades that can transform an outdated home

As potential buyers are having to make lightning-quick decisions based on limited visits or online...

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by Maria Suprun

You’re driving me nuts! 6 client types agents should be ready for

We come into contact with so many different personalities. Knowing how to effectively communicate...

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by Maria Suprun

10 common bluffs agents use with buyers, sellers and each other

This industry is always moving fast. As a result, agents have become experts at crafting responses...

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by Maria Suprun

¿Vale más mi vivienda por ser más bonita?

A menudo, los vendedores de vivienda soléis considerar que vuestra casa es la que tiene los...

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by marketing
Lo que no es un agente inmobiliario

What you should’t expect from your real estate agent

Un agente inmobiliario puede adquirir diferentes roles en su trabajo: Puede ser un educador,...

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by marketing

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